

Yesterday was Solstice. Traditionally, summer and winter solstices helped mark the changing of the seasons—along with their counterparts, the spring and autumnal equinoxes.

I wanted to make my Solstice ritual, I had it all planned out. Art journaling was included in that plan. But the day before Solstice, I was laying in my bed, unable to move because of an autoimmune flareup. All day in my bed, feeling bad for all the things I couldn’t make or do.

I took a deep breath, I just surrendered to my body, it was talking to me and I listened. I saw myself with compassion and love, and I just rested. Yesterday, I was able to move, and even stand up. My first thought was “I need to go to the patio and lay on the grass, and let the sun kiss me”. So I did. After that, I asked my daughter for new pictures of me. My hair is growing after months of battling hair loss. We went to the back of my house, and there, with the sun giving me his blessings in the Solstice, I felt like I was healing more and more.

Solstice was powerful for me. And it was just as simple as feeling well enough to standup from my bed. I can make art journal any other time, I can do my rituals any other time, I can write whenever I want to..I’m doing it right now!

Nature is alive, the Sun was nurturing her. I was alive, and I felt nurtured too!. Happy Solstice!

Luto Creativo

Hace unos días escribí en mi instagram sobre mi luto Creativo, pero quiero dejar documentado en este espacio.

Muchas veces me juzgo por no estar “produciendo” arte como antes. Porque no tengo una serie nueva? Porque no he realizado todos los proyectos que tengo en mente?… Luego me detengo y me doy espacio para el luto creativo.. No se si es algo que existe o lo acabo de inventar…pero así me siento últimamente..en un Luto Creativo.

La situación mundial, mi salud, mis proyectos empresariales, la situación económica..en fin..muchas son las razones para encontrarme en modo de Ermitaño.

y está bien estar asi, me doy espacio para este luto. No tiene que ver con el proceso, es más sobre el producto este luto.

Mientras, sigo colectando flores, las sigo presionando, junto a las plumas..sigo colectando imágenes en mi cámara, sigo abrazando arboles y teniendo lentas caminatas donde la brisa besa mi piel.

Y mientras tanto, desde mi luto, sano y crezco…y cuando esté lista, florezco.

Un fuerte abrazo!!!