A story about a girl and a Peacock named Fabio


I present to you my dear friend Fabio. He is a majestic Peacock that runs freely around my neighborhood, and he visits me often. We have become friends. I talk to him and care for him…yes, I said I talk to him (don’t judge me). I started collecting feathers he and his crew leave behind. They are tokens of happiness for me.


Maybe one day I will make a huge feather installation that talks about my Pandemia days…or maybe I will just gather them and enjoy them, just because. Having to be in isolation and with so much constrictions, has made me think a lot about they way I lived in the past. Was I enjoying my “freedom” to the fullest?


Anyways, I’m so glad Fabio is here, I enjoy his company while he hangs out in my patio. Wish I could be so free like him, but for know, the moment is what I have. How can I make these days more productive? Less stressful? How can I nourish my soul and my body in better ways?… Life is so precious, and I’m grateful for all, the bad and the ugly and the good and beautiful, really grateful.

Finding inspiration in everything and letting go of control is another thing I’m trying to do. Do you meditate? I began my meditation practice again, and it has do me well. Hope you are doing fine in this time of uncertainty, remember that I think about you…sending you a lot of good vibes!!!